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Get Buckets Shooting

Shooters Shoot

150 Canadian dollars
Notre Dame Regional School

Service Description

Elite, advanced, very focused shooting camp led by two of the best shooters that British Columbia hoops has ever seen. Everyone wants to be a knockdown shooter and every team needs them. But very few are willing to put in the work needed to become a 'green light shooter'. Shooters are self made obsessed workers, they come early, they stay late, they shoot 500-1000 shots a day and if you're actually serious you are tracking your makes every day, you are analyzing video of you footwork and your form and you are comparing your stats from day to day and week to week in your training and in your competition. Shooters seem to be a dying breed because of the so called boring reps needed to master the craft. Come and learn the details and the habits needed to become high level shooter. Get tips from Coach Tay and Coach Chris, tips that you won't find anywhere else.

Contact Details

  • Notre Dame Regional Secondary School, Venables Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada


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